Manuscript submission is an online process, and authors may use the following guidelines to prepare the submission. The process is completely via the homepage JSMS or by e-mail. All correspondence, including notification of the journal’s decision and requests for revision, takes place by e-mail, and the journal’s decision is final. Manuscripts must not be concurrently submitted to any other journal or publication, either print or electronic.
The files of the manuscript should be presented as .doc or .docx documents. Each section of the main manuscript should start in a new page.
In research articles including humans or animals, an ethics committee approval should be provided. Manuscripts should be written in English language (British or American).
Manuscripts that fail to present relevant information, have significant mistakes in methodology or are not in accordance with the editorial policy of the JSMS will be rejected directly by the editorial board. After one manuscript is accepted by the editorial board, it will be sent to two or three qualified reviewers for evaluation, in a blind process. The accuracy of the information stated in the articles is the exclusive responsibility of the authors. The JSMS reserves the right to make stylistic, grammatical and other changes to the manuscript.
Be informed that once an article is accepted for publication, the copyright is transferred to the Journal of Sleep Medicine and Surgery, no part of it can be published anywhere else, in English or any other language.
The failure to comply with the submission instructions will result in the article being returned to the authors.
At least one of the authors should have an ORCID ID number. If you are not registered with ORCID yet, you can create an account at https://orcid.org. We will not be able to publish your article until an ORCID ID is provided.
There is no fee for the submission of manuscripts to the JSMS. Nevertheless, as an open access journal, the JSMS has a fee for the processing of every published manuscript. This fee covers the costs of publication in the journal website.
This Article Processing Charges (APC) allows the publisher to make articles available online in a short period, for anyone to read upon publication. The fee is as follows, subject to local taxes where applicable:
a) Non-members of the Latin American Society of Sleep Medicine: $200.00 USD.
b) Members of the Latin American Society of Sleep Medicine: $150.00 USD.
Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, details about payment will be sent by e-mail to the correspondence author.
Original articles: These papers are the result of original research, with the presentation of unpublished data. The article should state its objective, design, methods, setting, results, discussion, conclusions if applicable. Ethics committee approval should be clearly indicated.
Short Reports: A Short Report is a concise communication on a single issue, preliminary findings of larger studies, or any other case in which the findings are not sufficient for a full original article. Should be the result of original research, and should present unpublished data.
Review articles: A Review article should present a broad and critical analysis of a relevant area, and should not be merely a chronological description of the literature or a data compilation.
Novel Surgical Techniques: This category of articles is aimed to describe new surgical techniques for sleep-disordered breathing. It may present the step-by-step description of the technique or the results of a series of patients, with a numerical and statistical background. Effective variations of existing techniques may also be considered for publication.
Case reports: A case report has the lowest level of evidence, and in order to be published en JSMS should have at least one of the following characteristics: a case of special interest to the medical community; a rare case that is particularly useful to demonstrate a mechanism or a difficulty in diagnosis; new diagnostic method; new or modified treatment. If available, the authors could present a series of cases, rather than one individual case.
Letter to editor: Letters to editor are intended to promote scientific debate. This specific and brief kind article will be an opportunity to comment, criticize, or highlight papers that were already published in JSNS.

Once the authors have fulfilled the requirements of the checklist, the next steps should be followed:
1.Send the main manuscript (.doc or .docx), tables (.doc or .docx) and figures (.jpg) by e-mail to
2. Download the submission guidelines and the authors’ acceptance letter from the JSMS website, sign it and return it via e-mail.